MD4000 mesh nodes may be equipped
with a GPS receiver. The GPS information is
integrated into the
Network Management System
(NMS). The administrator downloads a
map of the geographical area of the mesh
deployment into the NMS. The mesh-node
icons of the GPS-enabled MD4000s will move in
real-time on the downloaded map. The NMS will
ensure that the map image is moved or
replaced with another map image so that the
mesh node location is accurately positioned
against the background map image.
The location of Mobile Mesh Nodes equipped
with GPS will be automatically updated with
each heart beat, see
NMS Tracking Video.
Maps are downloaded from
or supplied in the standard format used by
all map suppliers. Online downloads and
map pane updates from is also
The Meshdynamics mesh node enclosure is fitted with four
N-connector (female) antenna ports. For the
three-radio configurations of the MD4000, one of these
antenna ports goes unused by a radio card. This unused
port is used for a GPS antenna.
In four-radio versions of the MD4000, all N-connector antenna
ports are used by radio cards. In this case, a hole is drilled in the
housing and a
SMA-to-U.Fl pigtail to connect to the GPS
device internally and provide a external connection to the GPS antenna (below)