Structured MeshTM emulates Scalable Switch Stacks (Trees)  

Wired Switch Stacks are Scalable and Resilient.

Large wired networks are split up into smaller, more manageable sub-networks (domains or "channels"), each of which operate independently. Layer 2 Switches manage these domains and also pass data to and from other domains - line colors above. Each switch has one Uplink port and one or more downlink ports operating on different domains/"channels" .

Switches naturally self organize themselves to form a scalable tree structure, called a network switch stack.

The switch -- with one uplink "port" and one or more downlink "ports" -- is the basis for the Internet Age as we know it today.  Its predecessor, the wired hub networks, used a single link.

First and Second generation mesh architectures resemble a wireless version of peer-to-peer networks. They do not scale

Additionally, the loss of one branch of the tree, does not cripple the entire network, Our nodes manage these branches of the "tree", with added features to support mobility, new radios etc.

Meshdynamics dynamic  channel management software, operating in each mesh node, sets up the non interfering channels of the  uplink radio and downlink radio - the branches of a tree. See channel colors above, Fig 2. 

Our wireless network thus "splits up" into distinct sub domains, selected dynamically to ensure minimal contention (interference). Each node is responsible for a sub network and sharing information to and from other domains, through "heart beats".

Applications, on the mesh nodes, share their own private heart beats, ensuring rapid M2M communication updates. 

Structured MeshTM Is the wireless Equivalent of Wired Switch Stacks (trees)

Like wired switches, the Meshdynamics MeshControlTM software intelligence runs in each node permits it to function exactly as Layer 2 switches do.  A failure of any node prompts immediate coordinated reconnections around the network to bypass the failed switch/node, see animation above.

When the node is return to service, its neighbors recognize its presence and recalculate the best connections once again. This capability also makes additions and expansions to the network very straightforward, as new nodes may be simply configured with the proper security information, then powered-up. New nodes automatically are added to the network based on an exchange of information between the existing nodes, that are continually monitoring the environment. More

Structured MeshTM Is Future-Proof - supports future network growth or new radios

Enterprise class network switches use an efficient tree structure for routing. The switch stack tree like structure uses simpler routing mechanisms - trees have no loops and complications of looping are thus eliminated. The routing table is O(n) in size.

As wired network trees scales up, the wired networks scale accordingly - more switches are added to continue to segment and manage (divide and conquer) the expanding collision domains.

For a broadcasting tree with depth of O(logn), the message overhead tree based routing protocols is O(nlogn).

This keeps up with Moore's Law, as radio chip sets become "better". Tree based networks are future-proof.  

As  Meshdynamics' wireless equivalent trees scale up, the dynamic channel management algorithms, running in each mesh node, change the RF radio channels, to segment and manage the shared RF mediums, also in O(nlogn).

Single radio and single channel backhaul mesh networks resemble obsolete Hub Technology.  
These  peer-to-peer networks have routing protocol overhead O(n2).  Update times grow exponentially.

As n increases (e.g. the network grows), Peer-to-Peer architectures eventually run out of steam.
This is  especially true for mobile M2M communications and rapidly changing network topology

Related Links  Competitive Performance Analysis