Robust Wireless Connectivity For The Industrial Internet

The Wire-less extension cable concept, connecting both stationary and mobile Enterprise assets seamlessly. (click to Enlarge)

The Industrial Internet
require a secure high capacity real time wireless network. Both IP video surveillance and machine communications (M2M) and sensor streams must be delivered across many wireless hops. The machines may be mobile and may need to be part of a dynamic mobile mesh network. 
Meshdynamics' unique field tested meshing capabilities keep both stationary and mobile machinery and operators connected at all times. Extensive customer supervised field tests confirmed glitch free video and sensor streams between vehicles.

The stationary nodes may be stand alone, as shown above, powered by battery and solar panels. The network is formed within minutes of powering up the nodes. The mobile units may be taken down at the end of the activity and transported to the next construction or excavation site.  
Since 2005, Mobile meshed units operate along the Arizona Mexico border as part of a DHS sponsored program. In 2008, vehicle mounted nodes in armored vehicles provided connectivity within mobile convoys in combat environments in Iraq. From 2005 to present, Meshdynamics customers participate in multiple US and Canadian military programs.
Related Links:

1. Mobile Mesh Networks Successful deployment of Meshdynamics mobile mesh network with armored vehicles (Iraq). 
2. Military Mesh Networks  Overview document on why military agencies in US, Canada, UK use Meshdynamics.
3. Meshdynamics Web Casts. Overview videos of our mesh nodes used in military and border security applications.  
4. MD 4455 and 4325 Support Page: Overview document on MD4454 and 4325 configurations for high speed mobility.
5. Border Security Applications and Solutions: Mobile and static mesh network deployments along Mexico-Arizona border
6. Rail, Military Vehicle App boosted by Wi-Fi Node Mobility  Press Release.
7. High Speed Mobility Test -1  Video tapes of glitch free video transmission over 4 hops, traveling at 50+ mph.
8. High Speed Mobility Test -2  Video feed from one vehicle to another, both connected to the mesh network.