Rationale For Chirp Networks - Executive Summary
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Fig.1 Above Left.  Key Challenges to “Massive IoT” are Energy, Complexity, Density + Security.
Fig.2 Above Right. Nature's Massive IoT uses light, innately secure receiver biased messaging.

Fig.3 Consumer: Medical Sensor Patches -> Data Logs -> Carrier Pigeons -> Cloud -> "Edge" Intelligence

Fig.4 Enterprise: "Imprinted" Sensor Patches -> Data Logs -> Pigeons -> Cloud -> "Edge" Intelligence

The Rationale behind Small Dumb Cheap Copious

Over next decades, billions of IoT devices will be monitoring farms, forests, oceans, and other natural resources with sparse or intermittent cloud connectivity. As IIoT becomes semi-autonomous, intermittent connectivity is both sufficient and ubiquitous.

Leveraging this, Edge devices may now provide the Sensor Patch Edge -> Cloud work flows above.

IPV6 protocol is heavy – 40 bytes for the header alone. In sharp contrast, Nature’s IoT messaging is light, receiver-oriented and self-classifying. Thus pollen is light so it can piggyback on available transports- wind, bees. It is receiver oriented - only intended recipients –flowers- can decode the “message”.

Distinguishable but Undecipherable. Innately Secure.

Taking cues from Nature, “Chirps” were developed for SPAWAR for stealth terse (1-2 bytes) messaging across global and untrusted networks. Sharp Corp. implemented a version for Asia for multi-use applications.

Soft ChipsTM are imprinted to send trusted sensory Edge data to interested subscribers. They leverage ubiquitous and at least intermittent Cloud connectivity to be -

. Small. Small Footprint, Ultra-Low Wireless Usage. Long Battery life.
. Dumb. Ant-like purpose driven processing capabilities - but re-programmable.
. Cheap. Intended to be produced in millions - since multi-purpose, multi-use.
. Copious. Intended to be used like Smart Dust – copiously spread.
. Secure. Imprinting process - end-to-end - is innately secure.
. Organic. No central standards needed. Modem based Chirp protocol custom.
. Agnostic. Chirps are radio and protocol agnostic. Can coexist with others easily.

Global Impact.

Today’s last mile is crippled by fractured MAC-centric protocols: all un-scalable solutions.

The Cloud Orchestration model cuts Gordian knots in Fig. 1 and unleashes the full power of IIoT which means also addressing the needs for legacy unconnected - but operational - machinery. Industrial versions of  Medical Sensor Patch may now be - non-invasively- attached on edge assets for their predictive maintenance.

Soft ChipsTM and its low cost and power embodiments may also be deployed with little or no electricity, in developing regions or where remote natural resources reside - the "Edge". Platform as a service providers - PaaS - will use carrier pigeons (cars, drones) to forward chirps for Edge Intelligence and SLA compliance.

Chirpers with imprinted edge intelligence may then glean trends from sensor data collected within food systems, agriculture production, factory distribution, and climate preparedness.  Logically contiguous clouds cross over previously walled garden boundaries - engendering Massive IIoT.

Executive Summary.

The rapidly accelerating confluence of  Distributed AI  with Software Defined Networking (SDN) prompted Cloud Orchestration Models. Chirp networks coalesce to be logically contiguous across walled gardens.

Cheap, Copious, Global Scale Connectivity then drives new - currently impractical - efficiencies.

Soft ChipsTM is a "natural" alternative to key challenges in remote management of edge assets. Bio Slides.

1. Today: Edge with BLE, Zigbee, Lora  => Fractured Markets and Silos   ==  Not Massive versus
2. Chirp: Edge with Imprinted Pigeons  => Contiguous Clouds and Pub/Sub ==  Massive and Trusted.

Thank you for your consideration. Your feedback is welcomed. Francis daCosta Jan 2024.